lecture 10
Practical AI:
Recommendation system - Movie Recommender
with CreateML
my fav 10-min video to wake us up
after today's lecture:
-- Introduction to recommendation system 🤑
-- A simple movie recommender
money talks 🤑
money-related AI:
-- recommendation system
-- market price prediction
-- etc.
art work prices prediction
art analytics: artnome
Recommendation System!
before talking about what RS is, let's start by examining the data
Netflix Prize data
two entities in RS: user and item (movie)
one quantity: rating
to organise user, item and ratings together: tabular data with use-movie ratings
(sketch on the whiteboard)
recommendation system paradigms:
-- content-based: aka find similar user OR item
-- collaborative filtering: similarities between users and items simultaneously
keyword: embedding(aka some sort of represenation of user/item) and similarity
-- more explanations here
let's do some data pre-processing and training!
all code here 🥰
open a terminal:
cd to/the/code/folder 
conda create -n RecPrepEnv python=3.6 
conda activate RecPrepEnv 

put "netflix-prize-data" to the same directory as preparation.py (why?)
open a terminal:
cd to/the/code/folder 
conda create -n RecPrepEnv python=3.6 
conda activate RecPrepEnv 
python preparation.py 

then, a new "netflix-prize-data.csv" will appear in the folder "netflix-prize-data", check it out!
go to CreateML
select recommendation
add the "netflix-prize-data.csv" to the training data
assign users/items/ratings dropdown menu 
(what is in the drop downmenu and why are they there?)
training and download the model 
run the training playground to see what the output of the recommender ML model is
some philosophy noodling
-- recall chatgpt's success is partially attributed to its "abstraction" and "compression" power ?
-- this adds more spice to the discussion
lil open question:
-- where else have you seen the tree-like structures?
for example,
platonic ideal form, recipes, western music notation, etc.
lil open question:
what have we lost during the hyped compression and abstraction process?
today we talked about:

- Recommendation system
- Movie Recommender as an example

No MLTwo lecture next week
Double lectures next next week (25th)
Don't worry, I'll make the agenda on the 25th more relaxing 😎
drop me a message if you have any concerns/feedbacks
Sketch some ideas for the final presentation:
a bespoke ML model
a trained model using techniques we have covered so far
-- if you want to train some model of your own, start think about dataset curation 🤠
-- if you want to use a trained mode, focus on the application 👾